This guide is an introduction to the Museum's manuscript resources for researching impressment and press gangs.
Concern for the marine environment is now high on the political and public agenda. For centuries the oceans have provided essential resources, contributed hugely to the global economy and inspired many cultures worldwide. We now also recognize their influence on global climate and their central role in Earth's delicately balanced life-support system.
This guide outlines the museum's collection of printed books, manuscripts and artefacts relating to animals and the sea.
Music has played a central part in life at sea providing not only entertainment and contributing to the health and morale of seamen but also providing rhythm and cohesion to the everyday tasks of sailors and fishermen. This guide outlines the museum's collection of printed books, manuscripts and artefacts relating to music and the sea.
The Royal Hospital School was known for educating boys for entry into the Navy. However, it also provided training for girls to prepare them for domestic service. This guide gives a brief chronology of the Royal Hospital School followed by sources of information available relating to girls who attended the school from 1805–41.