In this hybrid workshop in September 2022, we shifted our focus towards the challenges and opportunities of maintaining historic observatories as they become multifunctional sites whose guardians must balance the requirements of astronomical research, public engagement and preserving the material culture of historic buildings, instruments, libraries and archives.

Over two days we heard case studies from practitioners with expertise in creating innovative visitor interpretation, preserving observatory assets through digitisation and uncovering the hidden histories and research opportunities of observatory libraries. The workshop concluded with a broader discussion about creating future networks for collaboration and support among these unique sites of astronomical heritage.

Topics considered:

  • Innovative observatory interpretation through drama, installations and new historical perspectives
  • The heritage of observatory libraries and archives
  • Digitisation opportunities for observatory heritage
  • Historic architecture, stories, activities and collections at Armagh Observatory and Planetarium
  • Sustaining historic instruments and observatory environments
Essential information

Dates: 8-9 September 2022

Location: Armagh Observatory and Planetarium

Observatory Sites and Networks since 1780

Inspired by the forthcoming 350th anniversary of the Royal Observatory, Greenwich in 2025, this research networking project brought together UK and international scholars who research observatory histories