Your company details

Registered trading address

Contact details

Please note: any parent/subsidiaries or affiliated companies will require a separate application.

What type of business do you operate?
Select all that apply
Who are your clients?
Select all that apply
What countries do your clients come from?
Select all that apply
United Kingdom - England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland
Are you currently a member of ETOA?
Are you currently a member of UKinbound?

Trade references

Please provide details of two UK companies you currently trade with that we can contact for a reference:

Company 1

Company 2


  • I understand that submittance of this form does not constitute acceptance onto the group voucher scheme
  • I accept that Royal Museums Greenwich may perform a credit check
  • I agree to pay invoices within 30 days
  • I have attached a sample of my company voucher
Please note: Our preferred method of payment is by electronic fund transfer. Our bank details and address details are available on application. If you prefer to pay by cheque they should be made payable to 'National Maritime Museum'. Our address is: National Maritime Museum, Romney Road, London, SE10 9NF