Filters… School subject - Any -ArtAstronomyBusiness studiesCareers educationCommunicationDesign & technologyDramaGeographyHistoryLeisure & tourismLiteracyMathsMusicScience Key stage - Any -Early Years Foundation StageP Scales 4-7P Scales 8-10P Scales 1-3SENDKey Stage 1Key Stage 2Key Stage 3Key Stage 4GCSEPost-16 Resource Type - Any -Classroom activityCoursework notesGallery trailLesson plansTeacher notesVideo Search keywords Applied FiltersAstronomyPost-16 Classroom activity Calculating where Space begins In this classroom activity students use real data with the physics of forces and circular motion to calculate the altitude at which space begins. Key Stage: Post-16 Subject: Astronomy, Maths, Science Video Collisions and Explosions in the Universe On the smallest to the largest scales, collisions and explosions happen all over our Universe. Key Stage: Key Stage 3, Key Stage 4, Post-16 Subject: Astronomy, Science Video Where does space begin? Have you ever wondered how far away space is; how far are the different things you see above your head? Key Stage: Key Stage 3, Key Stage 4, Post-16 Subject: Astronomy, Science Classroom activity Measuring the Universe Students use the parallax formula to calculate the distances to stars in Orion. Key Stage: Key Stage 4, Post-16 Subject: Astronomy, Maths, Science Classroom activity What did the early Universe look like? A classroom activity that explores light/radiation throughout the history of the Universe and how we can use light to learn about the most distant galaxies. Key Stage: Post-16 Subject: Astronomy, Maths, Science Video What is Light? Our Universe is a vast and very interesting place and light plays a big part in us being able to understand more about it. To find out how join the Royal Observatory Greenwich astronomers as they explore more. Key Stage: Key Stage 4, GCSE, Post-16 Subject: Astronomy, Science Classroom activity When will the Sun become a Red Giant? Students use E = mc2 to calculate how long it would take the Sun to exhaust its core hydrogen. Accompanies the video 'How do we know how old the Sun is?'. Key Stage: Post-16 Subject: Astronomy, Maths, Science First Prev Page 1 Current page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Next Last