Useful information regarding free school visits to Cutty Sark.
Cutty Sark free self-guided visits for Greenwich schools
We are pleased to offer state-funded primary and secondary schools in Greenwich free self-guided visits to Cutty Sark. Places are limited and subject to availability. Please speak to the Bookings team for more information.
Cutty Sark bursaries for free school sessions
We are pleased to offer a limited number of bursaries (4 per term) for our facilitated school sessions. Bursaries are available to state schools in the Royal Borough of Greenwich, Tower Hamlets, Newham, Barking & Dagenham, Bexley, Bromley and Lewisham.
To be eligible, your school must have over 25% of children entitled to free school meals. Applications are limited to one bursary per school, per year. This one bursary can be used for multiple classes in the same year group.
To apply please make it clear on the booking form. Bursary bookings need to be made at least two months in advance of your preferred visit date.
Find out more about Cutty Sark onsite school sessions here
To book a self-guided or facilitated session, click here
Ratios of adults to students
All school groups must be accompanied by a minimum number of adults. Our required ratios are:
EYFS / KS1 | 1 adult : 5 students | 10 |
KS2 | 1 adult : 8 students | 6 |
KS3 / KS4 | 1 adult : 10 students | 3 |
KS5 | 1 adult : 16 students | 3 |
Additional adults are welcome and will be charged at the concessionary price.
Cancellations or amendments to a school booking made less than 28 days before your visit will result in the following charges:
- £150 for a facilitated session
- £100 for self-directed visits