We are committed to our education programmes being led and shaped by you, the teachers and students we create them for. If you are an educator looking for ways to broaden your subject knowledge, meet other educators and access exclusive events, we would love you to join our teacher forum!

We hold meetings once a term in person at Royal Museums Greenwich sites. These are typically held at either the National Maritime Museum or the Royal Observatory. 

There is a lot to get out of being a forum member. You will have the opportunity to:

  • See new material (workshops, sessions and shows) from each of our sites before anyone else
  • Consult on and steer the education programmes we offer 
  • Network and share best practice with other teachers

If you are worried about receiving lots of emails – don’t panic. We won’t contact you about anything that doesn’t relate to the teacher forum, so you should only expect to receive a few emails per term. If we have something extra special going on, we might also get in touch to let you know or ask for your input.

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Learning resources

We have a great selection of resources to support learning in the classroom and at home including films, activities, fact files and study guides