Published 13 Sep 2013

Essential Information


Have you ever wondered what the Royal Museums Greenwich curators get up to and think? Do you what to find out more about a particular object or how to install an expensive painting – Well, Wednesday September 18th is the perfect day to find out – as the curators take over Twitter.

 As part of a global initiative to connect those that work behind the scenes at 300+ museums with the curious public, the #AskaCurator hashtag on Twitter will allow curators answer your questions personally.


Ask a Curator


All 4 Royal Museum Greenwich Twitter feeds will take part

National Maritime Museum - @NMMGreenwich
Royal Observatory Greenwich – @ROGAstronomers
The Queen’s House – @TQHGreenwich
Cutty Sark - @CuttySark

And the curators involved include - Marek Kukula, Melanie Vandenbrouck, James Davey and Jessica Lewis

Questions you could ask include

  • @NMMGreenwich #AskaCurator What is the oldest object in the collection?
  • @TQHGreenwich #AskaCurator How do you maintain old paintings?
  • @ROGAstronomers #AskaCurator What was the last discovery made by the observatory?
  • @CuttySark #AskaCurator How do you decide what should be on display?
  • @TQHGreenwich #AskaCurator How did you become a curator?

Remember also on the 18th September the Astronomy Photographer of the Year (#astrophoto2013) award ceremony is taking place and the Yinka Shonibare MBE at Greenwich (#YinkaGreenwich) contemporary art exhibition is launched at The Queen’s House – So perhaps your questions could relate to these special events.

So, get on Twitter, use the hastag #AskaCurator and connect with us on September 18th.