Published 02 Apr 2015

Essential Information


With entries for Insight Astronomy Photographer of the Year closing this month, we've been catching up with 2014 winners to talk about their pics and get some advice.  I would like to thank the judges that selected my Horsehead Nebula image for the Astronomy Photographer of the Year Deep Space Category 2014. I consider this one of my greatest achievements, and am deeply honored that my image was chosen. I have been imaging for about 10 years now and always dreamed that one day my work would be well recognized. This image was taken with a Planewave 17in telescope and Apogee CCD Camera from SRO Observatory's in CA USA. There are 1.5 hrs each RGB and 8.3 hrs of Hydrogen Alpha. The Hydrogen was also used as a luminance layer to bring out more detail in the object. By the way, the 2014 exhibition has been extended to July 19th for anyone wishing to view in person all the other wonderful images selected in this competition. I would like to also mention that the 2015 contest is still open so don't miss out on your chance to be selected. In 2013 I was unable to enter, as I was very busy at the time and missed entering by only several minutes, believe me that was very disheartening and disappointing. There are always very interesting images submitted every year, sometimes I like to just sit and preview many of the submissions. The closing date for the 2015 competition  is BST 12:00 April 16th. So don't wait and miss your chance to be... The Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2015! Thank you for taking the time to read this. Bill Snyder