Jessica Lee

Astronomy Education Officer Published 15 Feb 2024

Discover what to see in March's night sky, including the spring triangle, stunning lunar features and Mercury at greatest elongation.

Top three things to see in the night sky in March 2024:

  • Throughout the month – the spring triangle
  • 18 March – Plato crater and other lunar features
  • 24 March – Mercury at its greatest distance from the Sun

Spring stars: the Spring Triangle

Diagram showing the three stars in the Spring Triangle, and how to locate Arcturus using The Plough
Looking south at midnight on 15 March

We’re truly moving into spring now, with the days getting lighter and lighter. The spring equinox on 20 March marks the point where our days and nights are of equal length. From this point forward, for the Northern Hemisphere at least, we’ll have more hours of daylight than night up until the longest day of the year on June 20.

Learn more about the equinoxes and solstices

To celebrate the spring see if you can find the Spring Triangle, three bright stars from three separate constellations, all possible to view even with some light pollution marring your view of the sky.

The spring triangle is made up of Arcturus in the constellation of Boötes, Spica in Virgo, and Denebola in Leo. Look towards the southern sky to find these three bright stars.

You could also use the some of the stars in The Plough to ‘arc towards Arcturus’ as shown in the diagram above – tracing the curve of the handle of The Plough and extending the line across the sky should bring you to Arcturus, a distinctive red giant star and the fourth brightest star in the sky. From Arcturus, Denebola will be to the right and Spica below, closer towards the horizon.

Juno at opposition

Diagram showing the position of Juno in the night sky, next to the constellation of Leo
Looking south at midnight on the 3 March

Juno was the third asteroid ever to be discovered, back in 1804. It’s also one of the largest in the asteroid belt, sometimes referred to as a minor planet with a diameter of approximately 250 km. If you wanted to find Juno for yourself it will reach opposition this month on the 3 March.

This means it is on the opposite side of the Earth to the Sun, and will have a magnitude of 8.7, which will require a telescope. It can be found in the constellation of Leo, and will reach its highest point in the southern sky around midnight. This is well before the Last Quarter Moon rises at around 3am, so hopefully your skies will be dark enough!

See features on the Moon at First Quarter

Photo of the lunar surface showing a circular crater and a mountain range
Plato crater (top left) and the Montes Alpes. Image Credit: NASA / LRO 

The line which marks the boundary between day and night on the Moon (or on any celestial body) is known as the terminator. This area of the Moon is a good target for your telescope if you want to admire some lunar features. The Sun is illuminating these areas from a low angle, meaning mountains, valleys and craters appear more exaggerated.

Try viewing the Moon just after First Quarter, from 18th March this month, and see if you can find Plato crater to the north of Mare Imbrium. This crater has an incredibly smooth, dark floor within an even and circular crater ring. At 109 kilometres across, you’ll be able to spot this one with binoculars as well as a telescope.

To the right of the Plato Crater you’ll be able to pick out the arc of Montes Alpes, a mountain range with peaks ranging from 1,800 – 2,400 metres above the lunar equivalent of sea level. When these mountains are illuminated from a low angle you’ll see their shadows cast onto the basin of Mare Imbrium.

High-contrast view of the Moon’s Plato Crater and the surrounding terrain during a local lunar sunset
Sundown on the Terminator © Tom Williams, shortlisted in Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2023. A high-contrast view of Plato Crater and the surrounding terrain during local lunar sunset.

Spot Mercury at greatest elongation

Diagram showing the position of Mercury in the night sky, close to the horizon
Looking west at 19.00 on 24 March 2024

One of the most challenging planets to find is Mercury, as it’s never too far from the Sun. However this month Mercury will reach its greatest elongation, meaning it'll be farthest from the Sun it is possible for the planet to reach.

It should be visible in the west in the early evenings from mid-March to early April, with the best evening to spot it being 24 March. If the weather is kind to you and your western horizon is clear, it will be just over 10 degrees above the horizon at 19.00 on this night.

At this point Mercury should be visible to the naked eye, with a magnitude of –0.2. If the weather isn’t favourable to you this time around, you’ve got two more chances in 2024, as it will reach greatest elongation again on 5 September, and again on 25 December.

Pinwheel Galaxy

The Pinwheel Galaxy
The Pinwheel Galaxy © Saahil Sinha, shortlisted in the Young category of Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2021

Within the circumpolar constellation of Ursa Major is the Pinwheel galaxy. Always above the horizon from our latitude, but only ever visible with a telescope or a pair of binoculars, this stunning face-on spiral galaxy is worth viewing. It’s 21 million light years away and much larger than our own galaxy, composed of 1 trillion stars and almost twice the diameter of the Milky Way.

It’s possible to view the Pinwheel Galaxy, also known as M101, even with a pair of binoculars. However it will appear only as a hazy patch of light. To view the spiral arms it is most famous for, you’ll need a moonless night, minimal light pollution and a larger telescope. If this isn’t possible for you don’t fret – if you can find any light from the galaxy at all you’re looking 21 million years back in time, an incredible distance, and you can always use images like the one above to aid you in imagining what the galaxy should truly look like.

March 2024's night sky in the Southern Hemisphere 

Diagram showing the position of the coal sack nebula next to the constellation Crux
The position of the Coal Sack Nebula within the Milky Way, and other dark nebulae to the left.

The Coal Sack Nebula is a dark nebula placed just below Crux, the Southern Cross, and so visible only to those in the Southern Hemisphere.

This region, as the name suggests, appears to be a black patch of sky. This is caused by clouds of interstellar dust blocking out light from background stars. This nebula is only 600 light years away from us, and so any more distant stars that might otherwise be visible are hidden from our sight here on Earth.

To find this nebula head somewhere as far from light pollution as you’re able to get, and look south towards the Southern Cross. The dark patch starts between the stars Acrux and Mimosa. This isn’t the only dark nebula within the arc of the Milky Way visible in the Southern Hemisphere. Follow the band of the Milky Way towards the Eastern horizon through Circinus, Norma and Scorpius and you might be able to make out other dark clouds blocking out light from more distant stars.

In many Australian aboriginal cultures, this is known as the 'Emu in the Sky’ with the Coal Sack Nebula as the head of the bird, and the body sketched out through the other apparent voids between the stars.

Moon phases in March 2024

Silhouettes of rock climbers climb an overhanging rock with full Moon behind
Rock Climbers With the Best View of the Blood Moon © Chris Olivas, shortlisted in Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2023

Last Quarter: 03 March (15:23)

New Moon: 11 March (09:00)

First Quarter: 17 March (04:11)

Full Moon: 25 March (07:00)

Stargazing tips

  • When looking at faint objects such as stars, nebulae, the Milky Way and other galaxies it is important to allow your eyes to adapt to the dark so that you can achieve better night vision.
  • Allow 15 minutes for your eyes to become sensitive in the dark and remember not to look at your mobile phone or any other bright device when stargazing.
  • If you're using a star app on your phone, switch on the red night vision mode.

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What’s On

See events at the Royal Observatory.

Images of constellations, the Moon, Mars, a comet and the Andromeda galaxy
Planetarium shows

The Sky Tonight

A classic guide to the night sky presented live by a Royal Observatory Greenwich astronomer
Daily except Thursdays
Adult: £12 | Child: £6 | Student: £8
Royal Observatory
Illustration of Ted in a spacesuit in front of the Moon.
Planetarium shows

Ted's Space Adventure

Join Ted the bear on an adventure around the Solar System in this special live planetarium show for under-7s - perfect for little astronauts everywhere!
Weekends and school holidays
Adult £12 | Child £6 | Student £8
Royal Observatory
A family enjoy looking through a telescope during a science demonstration at the Royal Observatory

Observatory Unlocked

Drop by and chat with our Royal Observatory Explainers as they bring science and astronomy to life
Saturdays and Sundays
Included with Royal Observatory admission
Royal Observatory
A red, yellow, pink and blue gas clouds behind images of Saturn and the Earth. Over the top of this are white, glowing sound waves and music notes.
Planetarium shows

Audio Universe: Tour of the Solar System

Experience the Solar System like never before - by travelling on a spacecraft that can turn the objects in space into sound!
Weekends and school holidays
Adult: £12 | Child: £6 | Student: £8
Royal Observatory
Drone view of the historic Royal Observatory buildings during the day. Trees surround a central group of brick buildings, with the distinctive 'Onion Dome' of the Great Equatorial Telescope in the centre
Events and festivals

350 years of Royal Observatory Greenwich

Celebrate the anniversary of one of the most important scientific sites in the world
Throughout 2025
See page for details
Royal Observatory
A collage of different moons of the solar system; Triton, Enceladus, Phobos, Pandora, Ganymede, Iapetus and Mimas
Planetarium shows

Moons Beyond Counting

Learn more about our own Moon and some of the more exotic moons of the Solar System in this show narrated by our Royal Observatory astronomers
Weekends in March | 2.30pm
Adult £12 | Child £6 | Student £8
Royal Observatory
An illustration of the sun's magnetic fields over an image captured by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory
Courses | Astronomy courses

Intermediate Astronomy

Acquire a rigorous scientific understanding of the Universe with the Royal Observatory Greenwich
10-week module held on Tuesday evenings starting 11 March 2025
£205 per module
Royal Observatory
Photo of the Andromeda Galaxy - a dark black sky sprinkled with stars
Courses | Astronomy courses

Foundation Astrophysics

A series of ten-week courses on more advanced topics in astrophysics
10-week module held on Tuesday evenings starting 11 March 2025
£200 per module
Royal Observatory
a historical photograph of stars the night sky in black and white
Talks and tours | Museum Lates

Pioneering Women in Observatories, 1880-1930

Discover more about the pioneering women who worked at observatories in the UK, US and Australia in the late 1800s, in this panel discussion and screening of the film Hidden Figures
Friday 28 March 2025 | 6.00-9:45pm
Adults: £10 | Students: £9
Royal Observatory
Images of each planet in the solar system and the Sun
Planetarium shows

Meet the Neighbours

Tour the Solar System and beyond in style with this live, immersive show packed full of spectacular sights and fun facts
Weekends in April
Adult: £12 | Child: £6 | Student: £8
Royal Observatory
A collection of multi coloured stars seen by the Hubble Space Telescope
Planetarium shows | Community astronomy

Morning Stars

Our more relaxed planetarium shows for those who prefer a calmer environment, such as people with ASD
7 and 11 April, 26 and 30 May, 2 and 16 August, 25 and 27 October | 10.15-11.00am
£10 Adult | £5 Child | Free Companion tickets
Royal Observatory
Images of different coloured stars, a nebula, a supernova and a blackhole
Planetarium shows | Royal Observatory 350th anniversary

Starstruck: The Sun

Join us for a special solar twist on our popular show this Easter, presented live by an astronomer from the Royal Observatory Greenwich.
Holiday weekdays in April (except Thursdays) | 2.30pm
Adult: £12 | Child: £6 | Student: £8
Royal Observatory
A view of Mars taken by the ESA Rosetta mission on its flyby past the planet. The deep orange red colour of its surface is broken by dark features on the surface and white polar ice caps at the top and bottom of the globe
Family fun

Out Of This World: Mars

Take a trip to the Red Planet in our Mars-themed family workshop
Tuesday 8 April 2025 | 10.30am - 12 noon
£5 per child
Royal Observatory
Ted the bear is stood on Mars, with a Martian rover behind him.
Family fun

Holiday to Space

Travel across the Solar System and help Ted prepare for a holiday on another world during a planetarium show and interactive workshop for ages 3-6.
10 April 2025 | 10.30am - 12.00pm
£5 per child
Royal Observatory
Images of Chinese constellations, the Earth, Moon, Mars, Crab supernova and some spacecraft
Planetarium shows

Chinese Astronomy

From stars to space exploration, explore ancient and modern Chinese astronomy in this live planetarium show
12 April, 14 June, 9 August, 4 October 2025 | 10.30am
Adult £10 | Child £5
Royal Observatory
The Veil Nebula as seen by the Hubble Space Telescope. Filaments of blue, green, and red light cover the image, tracing different gases inside the curtain-like cloud.
Events and festivals | Museum Lates

Silver Screen Science-Fiction: Star Trek (2009)

Watch Star Trek (2009) in the unique venue of the Peter Harrison Planetarium, followed by a short talk from one of our astronomers
Saturday 19 April 2025 | 6pm - 8.30pm
£10 Adult | £9 Under 25s | £5 Child
Royal Observatory
The new crescent Moon alongside an antique qibla compass.
Planetarium shows | Community astronomy

Astronomy and Islam

Join us for a special show featuring the New Crescent Moon and historic Islamic astronomy
Select Saturdays and Sundays | 10.30am
£10 Adult | £5 Child
Royal Observatory
Image from below in the planetarium, showing adults and children reclined in seats looking up at domed image of sky with big image of the Moon
Planetarium shows

Planetarium Celebration Shows

Come and celebrate International Day of Planetariums with us in a series of one-off special shows, presented live by our Royal Observatory astronomers.
Monday 5 and Wednesday 7 May 2025
Adult £12 | Child £6 | Student £8
Royal Observatory
A composite image of the moons Io (small and yellow), Deimos (tiny and mishapen), Enceladus (white and covered in cracks) and the Moon (a deep grey and covered in craters) on a black background
Family fun

Out Of This World: Moons

Explore the moons of our solar system in this family workshop
27 May and 28 October 2025 | 10.30am - 12 noon
£5 per child
Royal Observatory

Header Image: The Pinwheel Galaxy © Saahil Sinha, shortlisted in Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2021 Young competition