We are really excited because we joined the
Flickr commons on Wednesday 17th September.
We're using the commons to reach new audiences and to reveal connections between our content and other stuff inside and outside of traditional digital museum spaces.
We decided to add our content with a very limited amount of contextual information to make as much use as possible of descriptions, comments and tags from the Flickr community. Already after a week and a half, these familiar Flickr tools are accumulating interesting strands of information.
We've started with four sets of photographs:
[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_large","fid":"219745","attributes":{"class":"media-image","typeof":"foaf:Image","style":"","width":"500","height":"409","alt":"Cabin class nursery on the "}}]]
Bedford Lemere: 30 images from our large collection by these famous early-20th century architectural photographers.
[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_large","fid":"219746","attributes":{"class":"media-image","typeof":"foaf:Image","style":"","width":"500","height":"379","alt":"Group portrait of Inuit girls and women"}}]]
Freeze Frame: 12 astonishing 19th century polar images.
[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_large","fid":"219747","attributes":{"class":"media-image","typeof":"foaf:Image","style":"","width":"500","height":"376","alt":"Harbour and herring fleet, Scarborough, Yorkshire"}}]]
Beside the Seaside: 45 images from the late-19th and early-20th centuries showing the development of coastal tourism and industry. These Beside the Seaside images are all geotagged and also complement the
exhibition at the NMM, its
website and the Flickr
Beside the Seaside group pool.
[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_large","fid":"219748","attributes":{"class":"media-image","typeof":"foaf:Image","style":"","width":"500","height":"400","alt":"Man resting at the Surrey Commercial Docks"}}]]
PortCities London: six images from the
PortCities London website showing the development of modern London through historic photographs.
We're also working to ensure the ongoing value and sustainability of Museum digitization, by making our content available in a format where it is potentially exposed to a massive new audience.
We've released this selection of images with no know copyright restrictions.