Published 10 Sep 2014

When the crews abandoned Erebus and Terror in 1848, they left a record in a cairn giving the coordinates of where they had been trapped in the ice and where they had left the ships. Captain McClintock, who found the record in 1859, drew a chart and plotted those co-ordinates on it: Beset: Lat 700 5’ N, Long 980 23’ W Abandoned: Lat 690 37’ 42’’ N, Long 980 41’ W

G285:4/18: Detail from Sketch of discoveries on the northern coast of America by Captain M'Clintock RN in search of Sir John Franklin


This year the Parks Canada team searched an area north-west of King William Island. We do not yet know the exact location of their amazing find but we wait with interest to see how far the ship has moved in the last 166 years. By Gillian Hutchinson, Curator, History of Cartography