Published 22 Sep 2008

Essential Information


Greenwich Lives Family History event, 28 September 2008

Now that the Beijing Olympics has drawn to a close, it's time to start looking ahead to the exciting prospect of the 2012 games in London. This weekend (26-28 September) sees the launch of the four year Cultural Olympiad.

As Greenwich is a host borough of the 2012 Olympics, the Museum is running a series of special events over the weekend to celebrate the Cultural Olympiad launch. On Sunday 28th, the Archive and Library team are involved in the Greenwich Lives event. This will be a great opportunity for you to tell us about your family history and for us to help you find out more about your maritime ancestors.

The Caird Library will be open between 11.30 - 13.30 and 14.00 - 16.00. Hannah, Gary and myself from the Archive and Library team will be there to answer any tricky family questions or to try and identify any maritime documents that you might have in your possession. Please note that we are unable to give valuations or take any items in on deposit. Paul, one of our Conservation experts, will be on hand to show you the dos and don'ts of storing and looking after your own old documents and photographs. For a more 21st century approach, members of the Digital Media team will be offering you the opportunity to scan your own documents on our brand new scanner and provide you with a digital image to take home. We are also running special bookable access sessions in the morning.

If you are interested in maritime family history but don't know where to start then come along to one of the two short talks that I will be giving in the afternoon explaining how to start tracing ships and sailors. The talks will be illustrated with original items from our collections, such as masters certificates, logbooks and letters.

Take a look at the packed full programme for the day and get inspired.

We hope to see you there!

Kate (Manuscripts)