Published 25 Aug 2016

Essential Information


The Reef Knot is an ancient knot that goes back at least 10,000 years. It is a binding knot, to secure a line around an object. 

It’s not generally used for joining two separate lines together, as it’s not stable enough under strain. The Reef Knot was most commonly used to ‘reef’ sails, that is to reduce the surface area of a sail by tying a part of it down. Join us in tying the Reef Knot with our six step guide!

Step 1: Lay out your length of rope...

The Reef Knot - Step 1

Step 2: Pass the working end over the standing end to create a loop, right over left...

The Reef Knot - Step 2

Step 3: Wrap the working end once around the standing end...

The Reef Knot - Step 3

Step 4: Bring the working end over the standing end, left over right...


The Reef Knot - Step 4

Step 5: Tuck the working end under the standing end...

The Reef Knot - Step 5

Step 6: Pull together, leaving the bottom loop and there you have it!

The Reef Knot - Step 6

Stay tuned for the last blog in our knot-tying series next week, when we’ll learn how to tie a Stevedore.