Published 12 Nov 2007

Essential Information

In one of my first posts on this blog I asked if the library still needed its current print subscription to Lloyd's List. One person commented to say that yes, we did, because it was an important part of being a maritime reference library. Off-blog, staff told me that the latest Lloyd's is often consulted when something big happens - but not always immediately. Because we can't predict when a maritime disaster is about to occur, and when people will want to follow it up, it's therefore wise to have the latest Lloyd's List on hand. What we did was take a look at our Lloyd's List subscriptions and decide that we could make them a bit more accessible. We'll still have the daily print edition for the time being, but it will now be available from the E-Library in the lounge area. So if you're passing by you can have a read of the latest paper without having to go through to the Reading Room. This is a bit of a trial, so if you like it please tell us - either leave a comment here on the blog or let a member of staff know in the library. We've also increased our online access, so you can now search Lloyd's List online for news and articles from the last 16 years; a big improvement from microfilm. Lloyd's List online is also available from the E-Library - just ask staff at the desk to log you in. Renée (Digital Resources Librarian)