Published 22 Feb 2010

Essential Information


Image removed.On Saturday 13 February the Queen's House was the venue for the romantically themed Love in the Archives afternoon, part of the Past Caring: Love in History programme events.

The afternoon began with a talk by Margarette Lincoln, Deputy Director of the National Maritime Museum, before guests were invited to view manuscripts connected to the idea of love in its many guises.  Throughout the event visitors were entertained by the music of a string quartet.  The afternoon ended with the chance to discuss the manuscripts over tea and a piece of cake - although not until the original manuscripts had been safely tidied away!

We hope that this might become a regular event at the Museum so if you were able to attend we'd love to hear from you.  Please let us know what you liked and what you thought we could improve.  We also hope that some of you might have been inspired to visit the Caird Library to learn a little bit more about what was on display.

Richard (Assistant Archivist)