Published 19 Nov 2007

Essential Information

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Maritime History is a just-published encyclopedia about all things ships and the sea. It's edited by John Hattendorf of the U.S. Naval War College (who also publish the Naval War College Review), and contains over 940 entries on topics including naval history, shipbuilding, navigation and scientific instrumentation, and maritime art and literature. The library is getting two versions - the online ebook version and the four volume print set. The online Encyclopedia is available now from the E-Library, and we'll have the print version soon (print takes a bit longer to arrive in the post). I'm really excited about it as a new electronic resource for the E-Library - I think it gives a nice introduction to most of our key subjects, plus others (like dazzle painting and the Great Eastern) that are dear to our hearts here in the library. Renée (Digital Resources Librarian)