Published 26 May 2010

In recent years the National Maritime Museum has had great success with obtaining funding from the Arts and Humanities Research Council for Collaborative Doctoral Awards (CDAs). These provide funding for a student to undertake a PhD with joint academic supervision by the Museum and a partner university. The benefits to the Museum are that, like Fellowships, these grants facilitate research on little-explored aspects of our collections, whilst helping to develop and expand relationships with academics within a particular subject area. The Museum currently has 11 such Collaborative Doctoral Students - with one such student (Phil Rich) having successfully completed his PhD in 2009. We encourage the students to write about their work on this blog - see previous entries by Phil Rich, Harriet McKay, Anya Anim-Addo, Lindsay Doulton and Mary Wills. We are pleased to announce that the AHRC has funded another three Collaborative Doctoral Awards, on the following topics, which are currently being advertised: Imperial coaling: Steam-power, the Royal Navy and British imperial coaling stations, c.1870-1914 The National Gallery of Naval Art at Greenwich Circuits of Knowledge: The Royal Navy and the Caribbean, 1756-1815 For more details and information about how to apply, see: