Sadly, National Poetry Day went by this year without us getting in on the act, but here's a belated contribution. It's a poem by Lord Byron that I came across a while ago. Written on 25 March 1818, it's a none too serious ode to John Murray, publisher to the Admiralty and the Board of Longitude, as well as Byron's. Who knew there was a poem that mentions both the Navy List and the Board of Longitude?
To Mr. Murray
Strahan, Tonson, Lintot of the times, Patron and publisher of rhymes, For thee the bard up Pindus climbs, My Murray. To thee, with hope and terror dumb, The unfledged MS. authors come; Thou printest all—and sellest some— My Murray. Upon thy table’s baize so green The last new Quarterly is seen,— But where is thy new Magazine, My Murray? Along thy sprucest bookshelves shine The works thou deemest most divine— The "Art of Cookery," and mine, My Murray. Tours, Travels, Essays, too, I wist, And Sermons to thy mill bring grist; And then thou hast the "Navy List," My Murray. And Heaven forbid I should conclude Without "the Board of Longitude," Although this narrow paper would, My Murray!