Published 01 Nov 2010

The research activity taking place at the National Maritime Museum is incredibly rich and wide-ranging, as can be seen if you're a regular reader of the very diverse entries on this Collections Blog. Research ranges from curatorial research on new acquisitions, for online projects, publications, galleries and exhibitions to the specific project research of our many doctoral students (often Arts and Humanities Research Council-funded) and Research Fellows (funded by the Museum's own fellowship programme). There are also major funded research projects such as the Longitude Project and smaller funded ones to digitize and catalogue sections of the NMM's vast collections. Alongside this, we have a vibrant programme of conferences, lectures and seminars, often in partnership with a wide range of external institutions, ensuring that the research being undertaken at NMM is disseminated to a wide audience, but at the same time keeps up with the latest academic thinking in the Museum's various subject areas of maritime history, science of history and technology and art. Each year we publish a 'Research Newsletter' in print and online, which gives a really good overview of all this varied research activity. Do have a look! If you would like a paper copy please contact