Published 20 Mar 2008

Essential Information

The National Maritime Museum will host a three-day conference entitled “Richard Hakluyt (c. 1552-1616): life, times, legacy” from Thursday 15 May – Saturday 17 May 2008. This international interdisciplinary conference is jointly organized by the National Maritime Museum, The Centre for Travel Writing Studies, Nottingham Trent University and the National University of Ireland, Galway. Drawing together Hakluyt scholars and Renaissance travel writing experts, the conference will seek to contextualize the life, times, and legacy of Hakluyt. Richard Hakluyt (c.1552-1616) collected, edited, and published numerous Elizabethan discovery and adventure narratives throughout his lifetime. His legacy lives on today in the prodigious Hakluyt Society, founded in 1846, which continues to regularly publish works relating to travel, voyages, and geographical and cultural discovery. If you are attending the conference or are interested in any of the works of Richard Hakluyt or the Hakluyt Society why not pay a visit to the Caird Library? We hold several rare copies of Richard Hakluyt’s works including “Hakluyt's collection of the early voyages, travels, and discoveries, of the English nation” and a facsimile copy of “Divers voyages touching the discoverie of America…”. We also hold more than two hundred works published by the Hakluyt Society, from the first series, volume 1 (published 1846) "The observations of Sir Richard Hawkins in his voyage into the South Sea in the year 1593" to the third series, volume 17 (published 2006) "The Guiana travels of Robert Schomburgk, 1835-1844 : volume 2 : the boundary survey 1840-1844". Gary (Assistant Librarian)