On 6 June 1944 the largest amphibious invasion of the Second World War took place.

The invasion of Normandy, or D-Day as it is popularly remembered, was an immense undertaking.

On the first day of the assault, 132,715 Allied soldiers were successfully put ashore against scattered but nonetheless heavy resistance.

June 6th: landing craft going in to the beaches (D-Day, 6 June 1944) - artwork by Norman Wilkinson (BHC1635)
June 6th: landing craft going in to the beaches (D-Day, 6 June 1944)
BHC1635 • Oil Paintings
This painting forms part of Norman Wilkinson's ‘The War at Sea’ series, depicting the work of the Royal Navy, Merchant Navy and RAF Coastal Command, of which 53 were exhibited under that title at the National Gallery in 1944, and the full set of 54 presented by him to the nation via the War Artists Advisory Committee.

The failure of German forces to prevent the landings or eject the attacking forces from their hard-won positions was a significant milestone on the road to the final defeat of Nazi Germany, which was at that time struggling to hold its crumbling eastern front against the Soviet Union and contain the Western Allies in Italy.

For Britain’s maritime forces, the efforts to make D-Day possible began long before the summer of 1944.

The first US forces began to arrive in Britain in the late summer of 1942, many of them transported by the ships of the Merchant Navy and escorted by British and Commonwealth warships. This steady build-up was sustained alongside the ongoing task of maintaining Britain’s maritime lifeline.

As the date of the invasion drew close, the naval duties expanded to include mine clearance and perilous surveys of the selected landing beaches. To preserve operational secrecy the latter task had to be carried out by midget submarines. A small number of these craft were the first Allied warships to arrive on station on the morning of 6 June, their role to guide the landing forces in with signal lights.

Minesweepers sweeping ahead of the destroyers: early morning, D-Day (6 June 1944) - artwork by Norman Wilkinson (BHC1635)
Minesweepers sweeping ahead of the destroyers: early morning, D-Day (6 June 1944)
BHC1638 • Oil Paintings
This painting forms part of Norman Wilkinson's ‘The War at Sea’ series, depicting the work of the Royal Navy, Merchant Navy and RAF Coastal Command, of which 53 were exhibited under that title at the National Gallery in 1944, and the full set of 54 presented by him to the nation via the War Artists Advisory Committee.

With the main strength of US naval forces committed to the Pacific, the task of protecting the vast assemblage of invasion ships fell primarily to the Royal Navy and Royal Canadian Navy.

The bare numbers of vessels involved are an indicator of the sheer complexity of Operation Neptune. Including the amphibious landing vessels, the Allied forces brought almost 7,000 ships across the channel. Of this total, 1,213 were warships charged with protecting the vulnerable transports and providing firepower to soften up the German defences. The British and Canadian contribution in warships totalled 958, ranging from small minesweepers to the 44,000-ton battleships HMS Nelson and HMS Rodney.

Naval gunfire support proved an essential ingredient to the success of the landings, as it allowed troops on the ground access to a level of sustained firepower that could not be matched by German artillery. Even with its ‘X’ turret out of action from damage sustained in the Mediterranean, the battleship HMS Warspite could still put out a weight of metal roughly equivalent to that of a British artillery division.

'In the last light of D-Day a medical DUKW takes us to the Hospital ship' - drawing by  John Charles Wood Heath (PAJ2924)
In the last light of D-Day a medical DUKW takes us to the Hospital ship
PAJ2924 • Prints & Drawings
Trained at Birmingham School of Arts and Crafts and at the Royal College of Art in London, at the outbreak of the First World War, John Charles Wood Heath volunteered for service in the army, rising from private in the Coldstream Guards to Staff Officer (Camouflage). He saw action in Italy in 1943 and was injured on Queen’s Beach in the Normandy Landing on 6 June 1944, and evacuated. This drawing, entitled ‘In the last light of D-Day a medical DUKW takes us to the Hospital ship’, illustrates his experience then.

The demands of Operation Neptune did not end with the securing of the five invasion beaches on the first day. There still remained the task of completing the PLUTO oil line and the essential ‘Mulberry Harbours’. These were necessary to sustain Allied soldiers ashore until a functioning port could be secured. The destruction of one of the artificial harbours by bad weather on 19 June was a sobering illustration that the Germans were not the only enemy the seamen had to be concerned with.

Mulberry harbour, Arromanches: Normandy landing, June 1944 - artwork by Stephen Bone (BHC0690)
Mulberry harbour, Arromanches: Normandy landing, June 1944
BHC0690 • Oil Paintings
Stephen Bone, son of the important and influential artist Sir Muirhead Bone, was a significant participant in the War Artists Advisory Committee project. He produced a large number of paintings and drawings for the Committee, many of which are in the NMM collection. This subject, from the Allied landings in Normandy of June 1944, is typically light and impressionistic, with an eye for effective composition – a style well suited to the illustrative, almost journalistic, demands placed upon a war artist.

The naval presence was maintained in strength until the end of June, when it was deemed reasonably certain that the German naval and air threat was diminished. For the Merchant Navy, the huge logistical task of keeping the Allied armies supplied and reinforced continued until the end of the War.

The scale of their contribution can be measured by another examination of some relevant figures. By the end of June 1944 Allied ships had landed 850,279 men, 148,803 vehicles and 570,505 tons of supplies. The sobering price of this success was 50 ships sunk and a further 110 damaged to varying degrees.

Andrew Choong is Curator of Historic Photographs & Ship Plans at Royal Museums Greenwich

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