The 'How to' series, curated by the Engagement team at the National Maritime Museum, is a central point for parents and carers to discover resources and top tips for addressing challenging or sensitive conversations with children. 

This page pulls together resources and tips for empowering children and avoiding gender stereotyping in childhood. 

Discover more resources around a range of topics


Scroll through to meet the experts.

Olivia Dickinson

Olivia Dickinson: A digital consultant for children's media. As a key member of the Let Toys Be Toys campaign since 2014, she has built up knowledge and expertise in how to challenge gender stereotypes in childhood and education.

Let Toys Be Toys has been campaigning since 2012 to challenge gender stereotypes in childhood. The campaign is asking the toy and publishing industries to stop limiting children’s interests by promoting some toys and books as only suitable for girls, and others only for boys. It has persuaded most major UK toy retailers to drop ‘girls’ and ‘boys’ signs in store and online to let children have the freedom to choose what they want to play with, free from gender stereotypes. Eleven UK children’s book publishers have also agreed to 'Let Books Be Books'.

An image for 'Olivia Dickinson'

Let Toys be Toys

Let Toys Be Toys has been campaigning since 2012 to challenge gender stereotypes in childhood. The campaign is asking the toy and publishing industries to stop limiting children’s interests by promoting some toys and books as only suitable for girls, and others only for boys. It has persuaded most major UK toy retailers to drop ‘girls’ and ‘boys’ signs in store and online to let children have the freedom to choose what they want to play with, free from gender stereotypes. Eleven children’s UK book publishers have also agreed to 'Let Books Be Books'.

An image for 'Let Toys be Toys'

Jen Powell

Jen Powell is a London based performance artist who has performed as their Drag King alter ego Adam All for the past 12 years leading a wide spread revival of the art form in the UK. Jen is also a non-binary person who uses their platform to talk openly about their journey to self discovery and joined the panel on the controversial Channel 4 live 'debate' Genderquake in 2018. Jen's work centres around deconstructing the rigid and restrictive forces of societal stereotyping for all genders and exposing how a misogynistic attitude towards sex and power holds no benefits for anyone long term.

An image for 'Jen Powell'
Children dressed as pirates

Top tips

The maritime world has historically been a male-dominated space, and although it may not have been truly a ‘straight’ and male space, it has certainly been portrayed that way. The Museum is a place for discussion and debate. It is a place to share the stories of individuals that have broken down gender boundaries and defied gender stereotypes to achieve their ambitions at sea, demonstrating that there are no male and female spaces.

We are on a continuing journey to provide role models, ensuring children see a diverse range of identities connected to a variety of roles. From AHOY, a children’s gallery for under 5s, to events such as Out at Sea, the Museum works to create spaces and activities that empower children to engage with maritime history no matter their gender identity, empowering children to find their own journey.

  • Call out toy companies, book publishers, clothing companies, where you see them limiting children's options by gendering them. 

  • Think about the language you use when talking to children. Try not to comment on a girl's appearance where you wouldn't for a boy.

  • Don't place power with one specific gender. Let everyone try everything and follow their interests.

  • Don't be afraid to discuss gender with children and to have an honest conversation about gender in the television they watch, the books they read, etc. 

  • Check out the poster, 'Let Toys be Toys: 20 tips for raising children without gender stereotyping'.


The Gendered Brain: The new neuroscience that shatters the myth of the female brain by Gina Rippon. 

The Gender Agenda: A First-Hand Account of How Girls and Boys Are Treated Differently by James Millar and Ros Ball. Follow them on Twitter @GenderDiary

Sonshine magazine

'Beyond the Blue and Pink Toy Divide', TEDx talk given by Elizabeth Sweet

The Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media

'No More Boys and Girls: Can Our Kids Go Gender Free?' Watch Episode One and Episode Two