A full-length photograph of Captain R. F. Scott in full polar clothing standing next to the Nansen-designed sledge. His right foot is resting on the sledge frame with his right hand on his knee. The sledge is fully loaded with equipment and the tent poles can be seen lashed to the top. Scott is wearing a canvas over-jacket with the canvas webbing attached to large fur gloves, a knitted balaclava, and over-trousers tied with putties over finnesko fur boots. The photograph was taken on the day that Scott retu

Imagine you and your family  are explorers going to the Antarctic for the first time.

You can find out more about life in Antarctica here.

Many Explorers have visited Antarctica including Captain Scott and Roald Amundsen and Sir Ernest Shackleton .

What will you need for your Journey?

How will you get there?

What might you see?

What adventures will you have?


Create a picture book about your Antarctica Adventure.

You will need:

materials on table including white paper, scissors, glue, tape, pencil, coloured pens

3-4 pieces of A4 paper or card

Glue and/or Tape


Any colouring materials i.e. felt tips, coloured pencils, crayons

Drawing pencils

Coloured paper, collage material, Tin foil - optional

Your imagination!




Step 1

Take a piece of A4 card or paper and fold it in half.

Do this again with the other A4 card or paper.

Then stick the two pieces of A4 card/paper together to create fold out book

An image for 'Step 1'

Step 2

Great now you ready to start your story.

Have a think about what will you need to wear for your journey to the Antarctica? Is it hot or cold?

This story is about you going on a journey – who could you take with you? A member of your family or friend or even a pet!

Step 3

Draw or collage yourself ready to go to the Antarctica! 

You might want to look at Explorers that have already been there to see what they wore?

Use a felt tips to create a patch of colour or you could use coloured paper.

Cut out shapes from your coloured in paper to create your first person.

An image for 'Step 3'

Step 4

Remember you can add who is going with you on your journey too. This could be you family, friends or even your pets.

An image for 'Step 4'

Step 5

For  your second page think about what will you need for your journey? What could you take?

Here below are some things you might like to take.

A camera to record your findings.

A diary to write and sketch in.

A sleeping bag.

Maybe some binoculars?

Snow goggles.


What else could you take? 

Here below are some items other explorers took on their Journeys to the Antarctica for inspiration.

Scott took his diary in a book bag and these green goggles with him as well as these shoes. This sleeping bag is made from Sealskin!

Seal skin sleeping bag from the collection
snow goggles with green lenses worn by Scott on his journey
snow shoes worn by Scott on his expedition
Green/blue bag that Captain Scott took his diary in with cord tie

Step 6

For your third page can you think about how will you get there?

Captain Scott took a boat, Roald Amundsen took an airship

Draw the way you would like to travel? Y

ou might want to look at where Antarctica is on the map to help.

An image for 'Step 6'

Step 7

For your fourth page. Draw and collage Who will you meet there. What animals live in the Antarctic?

Penguins, Sea Whales, seals and birds!

Most Animals are seasonal as the weather is too cold to stay for the winter. 

You can find out more about Percy the penguin in our collection here.

An image for 'Step 7'

Step 8

Carry on with the other pages.

What adventures will you have in the Antarctica?

Will you meet other explorers like Scott or Amundsen?

Will you take photos of Sea Whales? Will you see some icebergs?  

Will you write in your diary?

Will you leave a flag there?  

You can add writing or speech bubbles if you wish!


An image for 'Step 8'

Step 9

You could even give it a title page what will you call your story!

An image for 'Step 9'


You've completed your journey. Don't forget to share you adventure to Antarctica with us on social media.