Portrait photograph of drag artist Bolly Illusion, posing on the steps outside the Queen's House in Greenwich

Photographed by Alia Romagnoli outside the Queen's House

Find Bolly Illusion on Instagram 

What does your work involve? 

I am a drag artist, dancer and host. I perform in and around east London’s queer club and cabaret scene. I have also performed in museums such as the V&A, Tate Modern and the Design Museum.

What inspires you? 

I incorporate my South Asian heritage into all my performances by dancing to music and beats from my culture, which includes songs in Malayalam (my mother tongue) and Tamil, as these are the songs me and my family grew up listening to at parties and community functions. It helps me show the world and the audience my colliding cultures. Growing up, I was inspired by a Bharathanatyam dancer, Shobana Chandrakumar Pillai, and all the females in my family.

What message would you give to the next generation?

Stay fierce and make sure you tell yourself you’re beautiful every day!

See the full series

This profile is part of Pioneers: A Renaissance in South Asian Creativity, on display at the National Maritime Museum