Portrait photograph of a young Asian man with a neatly trimmed black beard. He is wearing a beanie hat, brightly patterned silk shirt and dark jeans, and is sitting in the centre of a grand-looking, geometrically patterned marble floor

Photographed by Mathushaa Sagthidas in the Queen's House

Find GoldTooth on Instagram

What does your work involve? 

I work within several professions. I work in music as a club DJ, producer and radio presenter. I also work as a music curator, helping brands pick out music. This could be the curation of playlists for restaurants or for fashion brands to use in their campaigns. My day job is as a general dentist and clinical supervisor for undergraduate dentistry students. My dental surgery does, of course, have the best music playing!

What inspires you? 

I draw my inspiration primarily from the Asian underground movement. This was born in the 90s through iconic artists fusing their British and Asian identities. Music was a way of helping them find their place within society; one that at the time was ridden with racism, driven by organisations such as the National Front. The genre expertly blends elements of South Asian music – using samples and live instruments, over contemporary underground music like jungle and breakbeat. 

I must also mention the importance of pirate radio in the early 2000s, and how that has shaped my musical journey. It introduced me to so many British underground genres that are staples in my collection – UK garage, grime and dubstep.

What is your message to the next generation? 

My message to the next generation is to not be afraid of stepping out of the box and going out of your comfort zone. Try lots of different things, speak to people from different communities and keep an open mind. Also remember not to compare yourself to others – everyone has different timelines and priorities.

See the full series

This profile is part of Pioneers: A Renaissance in South Asian Creativity, on display at the National Maritime Museum