A man sits contemplatively next to a grey stone wall. He has a dark stubbly beard and is wearing glasses. A shaft of sunlight illuminates his face and left shoulder

Photographed by Taran Wilkhu at the Queen's House

Find Nishant Shukla on Instagram

What does your work involve?

My work involves both collaboration with other people and time on my own. Some days I make portraits or work on lifestyle and travel-based shoots, on others I take a slower approach to projects made over a longer time frame, which take on the form of a photobook and, subsequently, an installation of photographs, objects and spatialised sound. I also combine with other artists to produce and curate installations for my project space ‘lake’.

What inspires you? 

I find inspiration in the stories of discomfort and struggle that one endures to create work. Music has always been a good motivator for me and it also helps me visualise a structure for a lot of my visual ideas. But, most often, I find it in long walks and cycle rides.

What message would you give to the next generation? 

Keep experimenting with different forms and mediums and never be limited by what people expect of you. Realise that what you do now is not what you might want to do in 15 years' time. It’s OK to change your mind. Don’t be afraid to reinvent yourself.

See the full series

This profile is part of Pioneers: A Renaissance in South Asian Creativity, on display at the National Maritime Museum