What does your work involve?
I am an Eelam Tamil artist from south London. My style is East meets West, an amalgamation of the two worlds I grew up in. I am also a radio presenter on BBC Asian Network, where I curate playlists every week supporting Tamil, South Indian and Sri Lankan music. My show is one of few, or maybe the only one, to represent the diaspora on a global scale.
Who inspires you?
All praise goes to God first of all, because the blessings in my life have been abundant and I know that is all due to my mum’s prayers.
My whole life I have been surrounded by people who have humbled and elevated me; their intention is only to see me win. My family and friends are a huge support system, and they have always had my back with my career and anything in life.
My close circle of friends has paid for shoots, missed flights, travelled from different ends of London and the world to be here for me. I am definitely beyond blessed.
What message would you give to the next generation?
Do whatever your heart desires, allow yourself to make mistakes and fall in love with people and things that you never thought you would. One thing I’ve learnt in this life is that you don’t have to be great at everything you try, but you should always try. Opinions are just opinions, don’t let that sway you away from doing what you want and love. Being different is actually a flex: own it.