Andromeda Galaxy at Arm's Length
By Nicolas Lefaudeux
Winner of the Galaxies category and overall competition winner
"This image has certainly been my favourite in this year’s competition and also one that gives me a big smile every time I view it."
- Ed Robinson, Award-winning photographer, creative director and visual consultant. Founder of OneRedEye Visual Communications

NGC 3628 with 300,000 Light Year Long Tail
by Mark Hanson
Runner Up
"A 300,000 light-year long tail captured like a delicate wisp of vapour. It conveys the feeling of the impossibly vast distances and spans of time within the Universe which are far beyond our usual parameters. Nevertheless, we simply have to accept them."
- Jon Culshaw, comedian, impersonator and regular guest on The Sky at Night

Attack on the Large Magellanic Cloud
by Juan-Carlos Munoz-Mateos
Highly commended
While it may look like the Earth is attacking the nearby Large Magellanic Cloud, this is actually an insider’s view of how astronomers observe and study the Universe. This image is an excellent example of how even the process of understanding space can itself be beautiful!
- Emily Drabek-Maunder, astrophysicist, astronomer and science communicator at Royal Observatory Greenwich

Small Magellanic Cloud
by Michael Sidonio

by Paul Haese

NGC 253 - Starbust Galaxy in Sculptor
by Terry Robison

The Many Jets and Shells of Centaurus A
by Connor Matherne

M33 The Triangulum Galaxy
by Rui Liao

NGC 2442 in Volans
by Martin Pugh