Cosmic Inferno
by Peter Ward
"Creation, elements, fire, brimstone and wonder. This astonishing image conjures up these pictures that also represent the first moments of the Universe, before stars were formed. It’s a moving reminder that when we look up to the night sky, we tend to do so with earthly concerns on our minds, whether unconsciously or consciously as seen here. The tragedy of the 2019 bushfires in Australia shook people around the world; in the age of climate change, this extraordinarily beautiful picture urges us not to let our children’s future go up in flames".
- Melanie Vandenbrouck, Curator of Art (post-1800) at Royal Museums Greenwich
"It is a reminder and testament to the horrors that the photographer references during the Australian bushfires. As photographers and artists it is often the personal experiences and moments in our individual lives that we translate into our depictions of what we see and then represent to our audiences through our works".
- Ed Robinson, award-winning photographer, creative director and visual consultant. Founder of OneRedEye Visual Communications

The Dolphin Jumping out of an Ocean of Gas
by Connor Matherne
Runner up
"When I think about dolphins, I think about lightness of being, joy and playfulness, all of which are evocatively present in this picture".
- Melanie Vandenbrouck, Curator of Art (post-1800) at Royal Museums Greenwich

The Misty Elephant's Trunk
by Min Xie
Highly commended
"This photograph has a ghostly quality that resembles mist rising from the ground. Even though this nebula seems serene, the small, finger-like structures in the image will evolve into nurseries for newborn stars".
- Emily Drabek-Maunder, astrophysicist, astronomer and science communicator at Royal Observatory Greenwich

Dust Clouds in Orion
by Tristan Campbell

Orion Narrowband
by Diego Colonnello

Statue of Liberty Nebula
by Martin Pugh

Regulus & Leo 1 Dwarf Galaxy
by Maurice Toet

Region of Vela
by Laurent Bourgon, Philippe Bernhard, Jean-Claude Canonne, Didier Chaplain, Nicolas Outters

The Bat Nebula
by Josep Drudis

The Faint Surroundings of the Helix Nebula
by Josep Drudis

Stunning Sirius
by Steve Brown

The Magnificent Rho Ophiuchi Complex
by Mario Cogo

Simeis 57, Propeller Nebula
by César Blanco

M97 The Owl Nebula
by Alberto Pisabarro, Jim Powell, Linda Powell

Thor's Helmet
by Ignacio Diaz Bobillo

Fiery Tarantula
by Ignacio Diaz Bobillo

The Pleiades – Two Panel Mosaic
by Steven Milne, Barry Wilson

Orion 360
by Bastien Foucher

Lambda Centauri Vortex
by Andrew Campbell

Dark Molecular Cloud in NGC 7000
by Min Xie

Rosette Nebula
by Alan Pham
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