Photographs, prints and pictures, mainly of ships.

Photographs, prints and pictures, mainly of ships, with the name of the vessel written on the front or back of the photograph in most cases, as well as the supplier of the photograph. 98 photographs in total. In alphabetical order the vessels identfied are: ACHERON (sixth), ACTAEON (seventh), AGINCOURT, ALBACORE (seventh), ALGERINE, AMAZON (eigth), ANT (seventh), ARDENT (seventh), BARHAM (third), BENBOW (second), BLANCHE (tenth), BLOODHOUND (third), BONETTA (tenth), BRITANNIA (with accompanying notes), BRUIZER (fifth), BULLDOG (fourth), BULWARK, BULWARK (fourth), BULWARK (fifth), CALEDONIA, CENTURION (fourth), CHARYBDIS, CHATHAM (thirteenth), CLYDE (sixth), DARTMOUTH (seventh), DUNCAN (eigth), EAGLE, EARNEST (third), GANGES (seventh), EMPRESS OF INDIA, FOAM, FORTH (third), GRETA, INFLEXIBLE (fourth), IRON DUKE (second), JEANNETTE, JUNO, MAGPIE, MINOTAUR, MOONSOON, NARCISSUS, NELSON, NEWCASTLE, NEWCASTLE (sixth), NEW SYDNEY, NORTHUMBERLAND, PRINCESS ROYAL (eleventh), QUEEN ELIZABETH (with accompanying notes), RAMILLIES, RATTLESNAKE, RESOLUTION, , REVENGE, ROYAL OAK, ROYAL GEORGE, SAYONARA, SEAHORSE, SHARK, SHOMAPA, SPARROWHAWK, SPEEDY, SPIDER, SUCCESS, SUNFISH, SUPERB, SURF, THISTLE, THUNDERER (seventh), TILBURY, TORCH, TRIBUNE, VALHALLA, WEYMOUTH, WOODLARK, YARMOUTH, YAWL, YILOONG. There are also photographs of Osborne House and the Royal Naval College Dartmouth, a booklet about HMS SOUTHAMPTON as well as a photograph of the crew taken onboard the ship.

Record Details

Item reference: LKY/5/2
Catalogue Section: Personal collections
Level: ITEM
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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