Photographs and prints of royalty, naval officers, signatures and figureheads

Includes photographs, prints and press cuttings, mainly of naval officers and members of the Royal Family, including: Admiral Cornwallis, Vice-Admiral Edmund, Lord Lyons; HRH Prince William Henry, Duke of Clarence, Vice-Admiral John Benbow (1653-1702), Vice-Admiral of the Red, Lord Collingwood, Admiral Sir James Saumarez, Henry Duke of Grafton, Admiral Richard Howe, Sir George Kneller and King Willian IV.
Also includes photographs of signatures of naval officers including Admiral Popham, Lyons, Douglas, Cornwallis, Arbuthnot, Byng, Albemarle, Rodney, Benbow, Charles Paget and Lecky. There is also a sheet of paper with a print of Grafton's signature, as well as some coats of arms.
Also includes photographs of figureheads for ships including ST VINCENT, TREMENDOUS, GOLIATH, GANGES (4th) and ST GEORGE.

Record Details

Item reference: LKY/5/5
Level: ITEM
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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