Trickett, John, Engineer.

A collection of 20 documents, according to the index, ammounting to 61 sheets including envelopes and the index itself. The collection includes several letters and documents pertaining to employment and work at various dockyards, including Portsmouth and Woolwich. Also included are more techical reports into such subjects as the tensile strength of iron girders, testimonials from Inspector of Machinery at Woolwich dockyard. There are also several papers and letters associated with the Royal School of Naval architecture, including examination papers, lists of marks awarded to students and lectures given. Finally there are a number of personal letters between J.T. Trickett and a number of correspondents. For a full and detailed list of items, see the index inside folder.

Record Details

Item reference: BGY/T/2; MS1971/100 MSS/71/100
Catalogue Section: Manuscript documents acquired singly by the Museum
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1853-1867
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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