Proctor, Victor William Lake, Commander, 1897-1962.

The collection includes commisions, letters home, logbooks, Christmas cards, ration books and newspaper clippings.

Administrative / biographical background
Proctor was born at Maidenhead in Berkshire in 1897and entered the Navy in 1915. He went to sea as a midshipman on the battleship HMS AJAX in 1916. Later he was a sub-lieutenant on the destroyers HMS READY and HMS VENDETTA. He was a navigation officer on the light cruiser HMAS ADELAIDE during the World Cruise of the Special Service Squadron in 1924. He was appointed to the battlecruiser HMS COURAGEOUS IN 1936. He retired with the rank of commander in 1949 due to ill health. His older brother Eric Proctor followed their father Major Frederick Proctor into the Army. Victor's service record can be found at The National Archives under the references ADM 196/147/311, AIR 76/413/151 and ADM 196/123/131.

Record Details

Item reference: PRT; X85/018
Catalogue Section: Personal collections
Date made: 1915-1962
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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