Uncatalogued: Thesis entitled The victualling at Deptford, 1756-89. By E.M.G. Minster, 1966.

Thesis on Deptford dockyard. Chapters included: Victualling the Royal Navy; Admiralty Purchase of Deptford Yard; Expansion of the Redhouse 1761-79; Expansion following the American War of Independence 1779-89; Yard Officials and Organisation; Labour Problems at the Victualling Yard; The Case of John Slade; The Case of Samuel Nelme. The thesis is prefixed with a letter, referring to the initial request by Mr Pearsall for a copy of the thesis.

Record Details

Item reference: MSS/71/010
Catalogue Section: Uncatalogued material
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1966
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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