Oliver, Robert, Captain Sir, 1784-1848.

These papers concern the career and life of Robert Oliver focusing mostly on his time in India. Includes Bombay Naval Dockyard papers and reports from 1822 to 1848 by Robert Oliver. Plus small notebook with brass clasp listing the crew of HMS VICTORY (Captain George Elliot) alongside sketches of flags, two books on punishements on board ship and a book of handwritten regulations to be observed by the officers and ships company of HMS Asia. This collection also contains an indenture from 1583 between Roger Colpas and John Marner of Pytt House (later Pitch Place) alongside later map (no date) showing the house and local area.

Administrative / biographical background
Oliver entered the Navy in 1800, serving under Sir Edward Thornborough in HMS FORMIDABLE. He continued to serve under Thornborough as a midshipman and master’s mate. He became a lieutenant in 1810, and in that year commanded the boats of HMS ESPOIR, which with those of HMS SUCCESS, succeeded in destroying several vessels at Castiglione under heavy fire from the shore. Shortly afterwards he took part in a similar operation at Terracina. He was promoted to commander in 1827 and to captain in 1834. In 1837 he became Superintendent of the Indian Navy, the naval arm of the Honourable East India Company, a post he would hold until his death in 1848. Oliver was knighted for his services during the First China War. He was buried in St Thomas's Cathedral, Bombay.

Record Details

Item reference: OLE; MS84/65 X84/001/B X94/006
Catalogue Section: Personal collections
Date made: 1800-1848
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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