Handwritten memoirs of Vice-Admiral Sir Thomas Hardy 1769-1839.

Handwritten memoirs of Vice-Admiral Sir Thomas Hardy 1769-1839 covering his life including details of his career in the Napoleonic wars covering the Battle of the Nile.


Administrative / biographical background
Hardy was at Nelson’s side when the admiral was mortally wounded in the Battle of Trafalgar. Given a baronetcy in 1806, Hardy became first sea lord in 1830, and in 1837 he was appointed vice admiral. From 1834 until his death he was governor of the naval hospital at Greenwich.

Record Details

Item reference: OLE/5/4; OLE/5/5 MSS/84/065 MS1984/065
Catalogue Section: Personal collections
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1769-1839; 1800-1807 1831-05-01 - 1832-06-01 1834-07-23 1834-08-20 1848-08-06 1848-11-16 1848
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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