Letters and images relating to the Pacific Station, H.B. Hill.

Letters to Mrs Shaw and her daughter Mary (Maurie?): four from Herbert Bligh Hill from HMS TRIUMPH, 1882, and HMS SWIFTSURE, 1883, a letter giving news of Hill; and a letter from Norman C Palmer, midshipman, HMS SWIFTSURE, 1883. Also contains two photographs of pictures of an action off Arica, 17 March 1880, part of the Peru-Chilean War, and an amusing drawing of 'the scientific jockey', a man with a small fishing net in a military uniform.

Record Details

Item reference: AGC/H/34; MSS/85/154.0 MSS/85/154 MS1985/154
Catalogue Section: Manuscript documents acquired singly by the Museum
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1880-1883
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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