Uncatalogued: Cambell, Neville, Commander, Fl. 1928-1945

Papers of Neville Cambell: includes an account compiled in 1981 of his time as a prisoner of war between 1941 and 1945 (during Second World War) which includes sketches, a photograph and telegraph (197 pages in total); letters written as a prisoner; logbook kept as a midshipman in the DELHI, 9 June 1930 to 4 March 1931; SCARBOROUGH, 17 March 1931 to 26 March 1931; DRAGON, 26 March 1931 to 14 April 1931; DELHI, 14 April 1931 to 15 May 1931 and DESPATCH, 15 May 1931 to 12 June 1931, the volume is illustrated and contains several photographs; logbook kept as a midshipman in the HOOD, 1 September 1928 to 17 May 1929; TIGER, 17 May 1929 to 28 December 1929 and DELHI, 28 December 1929, also illustrated and contains several photographs.

Administrative / biographical background
Cambell was taken prisoner in Tripoli, Libya, North Africa on 7 May 1941. He was a flight commander in the Fleet Air Arm; a Swordfish pilot with 830 squadron, he was engaged in mine-laying operations in Tripoli harbour when his aircraft was hit by anti-aircraf fire and went down off the Libyan coast. He and his observer managed to swim ashore and were captured. His telegraphist/air gunner, petty officer, W. G. T. Welsh died of his injuries as a prisoner of war. Cambell recounts his story in 1981, forty years after.

Record Details

Item reference: MSS/90/029; MSS/90/029.0
Catalogue Section: Uncatalogued material
Date made: 1928-1981; 1931-01-01 - ?
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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