Uncatalogued: Prisoner of War papers kept by S.W. Mutimer.

HARLESDON S.S: Account by S W Mutimer (3rd Officer) of his capture and imprisonment in Milag Nord POW Camp, plus a photocopy of a pamphlet entitled' Marine Jockey Commissions Ltd', an organisation started in a Prisoner of War camp by men of the Merchant Navy. Also included are newspaper clippings and a revised copy of the memoirs.
Additionallu the collection contains a note from 'H.M. Minister, the staff of the British Legation and all members of the British colony in Sweden' sending good wishes and gifts and a note explaining the final British troop movements to control the POW camp, asking for the captured to be cheerful but to remain behind the wire, indoors.

Record Details

Item reference: MSS/90/056; MSS/90/056.0
Catalogue Section: Uncatalogued material
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1945
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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