A document showing the fleet order of the Battle of Copenhagen.

A sketch showing the order of ships during the 1801 Battle of Copenhagen including; HMS ELEPHANT 74 (flag of Vice-Adm. Lord Nelson, Captain Thomas Foley), HMS DEFIANCE 74 (2nd flag of Rear-Adm. Thomas Graves, Captain Richard Retalick), HMS RUSSELL 74 (Captain William Cuming), HMS BELLONA 74 (Captain Thomas Boulden Thompson), HMS LONDON 98 (flag of Admiral Sir Hyde Parker, with 1st Captain William Domett and 2nd Captain Robert Walker Otway), HMS ST GEORGE 98 (Captain Thomas Masterman Hardy), HMS WARRIOR 74 Captain Charles Tyler, HMS DEFENCE 74 (Captain Henry Paulet), HMS SATURN 74 (Captain Robert Lambert), HMS RAMILLIES 74 (Captain James William Taylor Dixon), HMS RAISONNABLE 64 (Captain John Dilkes).

Record Details

Item reference: HSR/X/15; MSS/78/004
Catalogue Section: Manuscript documents acquired singly by the Museum
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1801-01-01 - ?; 1801
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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