Two plans of Deptford Dockyard dated 23 July 1765 and 12 May 1870.

Two plans of Deptford Dockyard:

1. Entitled 'Part of His Majesty’s Yard at Deptford and the Victualling Office adjoining thereto shewing in yellow the part that is wanted to be added to the yard for making a mast pond & mast houses in room of the old houses being much out of repair and proposed to be taken down for making a building slip.' Dated 23 July 1765.

2. Entitled 'H.M Dock Yard & Royal Victoria Victualling Yard Deptford'. Engraved by J.& C. Walker from a survey by Mr C. Brown, Clerk of Works, 1858. Annotated 12 May 1870 with proposed boundary changes.

Record Details

Item reference: HSR/X/13; REG11/000400
Catalogue Section: Manuscript documents acquired singly by the Museum
Level: WHOLE
Date made: 1765-07-23 - 1870-05-12; 1765-07-23
Creator: Walker, J. & C.
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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