Eighteen commissions in red leather wallet.

Eighteen commissions in a red leather wallet including fifth Lieutenant of THUNDER AND LIEUTENANT AT ARMS 6 April 1761; fourth Lieutenant of Thunder 9 July 1762; Commander of the Sloop WASP 12 July 1762; Commander of Sloop SWIFT 14 October 1762; Appointment as Captain of HMS PRINCE EDWARD 22 November 1764; Appointment as Captain of HMS PRINCE EDWARD 20 April 1765; Captain of GUADALUPE 27 June 1766; Captain of GUADALUPE 17 January 1769; Captain of MEDEA 16 May 1770; Captain of LION 23 September 1770; Captain of HMS PALLAS 26 September 1774; Captain of HMS ISIS 21 December 1776; Captain of HMS BRISTOL & CHATHAM 25 December 1777; Captain of HMS CANADA 23 June 1781; Captain of HMS FOUDROYANT 30 December 1782; Captain of HMS GANGES 14 January 1783; Captain of ROYAL CHARLOTTE 13 March 1783 and Captain of HMS ROBERT 3 October 1787.

Record Details

Item reference: COR/100/1/1; MSS/78/006
Catalogue Section: Personal collections
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1744-1819; 1761-04-06 - 1783-03-13 1761-04-06 - 1787-10-03
Creator: Cornwallis, William
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London. On loan from Miss Julia Wykeham-Martin

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