Papers concerning dockyard finances, personal expenses and naval stores, 1611-1663.

An account at Depford Dockyard, 1611; expenses of Sir Gylford Slingsby, 21 December 1612; and a petition for a warrant to search for and seize stolen naval stores, 15 November 1663 (Sir Faithful Fortescue).

The expenses are an order to pay William Fairwether the sum of £4.11s.6d for items including horsehire and diet.

Each item contains a supporting transcript and small note on context.

Administrative / biographical background
Deptford Dockyard was established by Henry VIII; in the time of James I the Treasurer of the Navy resided there. Sir Faithful Fortescue, royalist commander, was at this time near the end of his long life (1581?-1666). He was made a Gentleman of the Privy Chamber in 1660, which attached him to the Court. Sir Gylford Slingsby was Comptroller of the Navy.

Record Details

Item reference: ADL/C/7; MSS/80/126.0 MSS/80/126 MS1980/126
Catalogue Section: Manuscript documents acquired singly by the Museum
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1611-1663
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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