Woolwich Dockyard expenses signed by Fulke Grenville.

A one page document detailing the ordinary charges (wages etc) at 'Woolwitch' for the month of May 1601; there are four entries:
Wages of a clerk and keeper of the 'plugge'; wages of watchmen watching her Majesty's Timberyard; wages of labourers for sundry works and burning reed: 6000 sheaves at 13.4 per 1000.

The document is also signed Hugh Lydyard; Pe: Buck and Th: Trever.

Administrative / biographical background
Fulke Grenville, 1st Baron Brooke, poet and statesman (1554-1628) had become Treasurer of the Navy by 1598 and became Chancellor of the Exchequer in 1614.

Record Details

Item reference: ADL/K/7; MSS/76/048.0
Catalogue Section: Manuscript documents acquired singly by the Museum
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1601
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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