Smith, Frank George, Corporal, Royal Marine Light Infantry, 1879-1952.

Papers relating to to HMS ORLANDO and to the Boxer Rebellion, China, 1900, including a rough account of the Siege of Peking, scripts for lectures, service certificates and photos.

Administrative / biographical background
Frank George Smith was born 15 November 1879 in London he enlisted 4 August 1897 at London and reengaged 15 November 1908. His enlisted in the Royal Marine Light Infantry as a private and gained the rank of corporal in 1904. He ended his career as a sergeant in 1924 and died in 1952. During the Boxer Rebellion in 1900, Frank Smith along with the other sailors from HMS Orlando formed part of the force led by Vice-Admiral Sir Edward Seymour attempting to relieve the British Legation in Beijing.

Record Details

Item reference: SMH; MSS/84/081.1 MSS/84/081/1 MS1984/081
Catalogue Section: Personal collections
Date made: 1897-1950
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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