Folder of material, seemingly compiled by Ruby Winifred Yates.

Folder of material, seemingly compiled by Ruby Winifred Yates (fl.1960s) for her article "From wooden walls to dreadnaughts in a lifetime", published in the Mariner's Mirror 1962. Includes: 2 offprints of "From wooden walls ...", reprinted from the Mariner's Mirror, vol. 48, no. 4, November 1962; drafts of the article; copies of Yates' "Memories"; correspondence regarding the publication of the article. Also include various chuch pamphlets, Geoffrey Callender's "The Queen's House Greenwich: a short history 1617-1929 and a typescript of "Naval progress in recent years", a paper read at 1899 meeting of the Portsmouth Literary and Scientific Society.

Record Details

Item reference: YAT/9
Catalogue Section: Personal collections
Level: FILE
Date made: 1884 - 1963
Creator: Yates, James Alfred
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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