A series of Lectures and papers, 1899-1908 covering signalling during battles.

Lectures and papers, 1899-1908: 'Our Tactical System as Revealed by the Signal Books'; 'Some Observations on Naval Tactics' by Captain Hammell; [Battle Fleet Action] (1907) by Captain William R. Hall; 'Duties of Destroyers'; 'Some Remarks on Battle Tactics' (1902) by A. F. E. [Allan F. Everett]; [Forms of Signalling], pp.37-72 only; 'Task Organisation Call Signs (for use in Voice Cubicles)'; 'Need for Tactical and Signal Courses'; 'The Control and Concentration of the Fire of a Battle Fleet' by Captain Chatterton of the IPHIGENIA; 'The Conduct of Signalling in Action'; 'Cruising Order of a Battle Fleet' (1907-1908); 'Diagrams shewing some station-keeping Efforts' (1899).

Record Details

Item reference: MER/39; MS1967-12
Catalogue Section: Artificial collections previously assembled
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1899 - 1908
Creator: HMS Mercury
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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