Hickley, Henry Dennis, Admiral, 1826-1903.

The Hickley collection consists of two short diaries and a watch bill from HMS Diadem; appointment papers detailing the rise of Henry Dennis Hickley from lieutenant in 1847 to Admiral of Her Majesty's Fleet by 1892; Navy pay records and statements of service; letters and telegraphs between Hickley and the Admiralty from 1869 to 1890; and a small number of documents relating to the domestic life of the Hickleys between 1842 and 1888. The address book of his wife, Mrs. H.D. Hickley, also features in the collection

Administrative / biographical background
Admiral Henry Dennis Hickley was born in 1826 and served for almost fifty years in the British Navy and Admiralty. He served as first lieutenant on H.M.S. Diadem; was Commander on H.M.S. Hope and Her Majesty's Steam Ship Gladiator; and became Captain of H.M.S. Princess Royal, Adventure, Royal Adelaide, Jamar, Hotspur, Endymion, and Impregnable between 1864 and 1878. Promoted to Rear Admiral of the Fleet on 24th January 1880, he was subsequent elevated to Vice-Admiral in June 1886, becoming an Admiral on the Retired List from 5th April 1892. Admiral Hickley was married to Mary Hickley and was the father of Lieutenant John Dennis Hickley, whose papers are also contained in the collection. Admiral Hickley died in 1903 at the age of 77, his son having predeceased him

Record Details

Item reference: HIK/1-6
Catalogue Section: Personal collections
Extent: 1 box, 6 items
Date made: 1842-1892
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London