Barlow, Charles James, Vice-Admiral, 1848-1912.

The papers include logs, 1863 to 1867, 1876 to 1880 and 1889 to 1892; a journal and a report on the Burma War; some papers concerning the opening of the Kiel Canal, 1899, and official papers for both dockyards.

Administrative / biographical background
Barlow entered the Navy in 1862, serving first in the Scylla, China Station, 1863 to 1867, and then in the Pacific. He was promoted to lieutenant in 1872 and joined the Immortalite, Detached Squadron, 1874 to 1877, followed by service in the Flamingo in the East Indies, 1877 to 1880. Promoted to commander in 1884, he was appointed to the Bacchante, flagship of the East Indies Station, 1885 to 1888, and was involved in the Burma War, 1885 to 1886. After his promotion to captain in 1889, he commanded the Orlando on the Australian Station and then the Empress of India and the Jupiter, both in the Channel, until 1899. He became Admiral Superintendent of Pembroke Dockyard, 1899 to 1902, and of Devonport, 1906 to 1908

Record Details

Item reference: BAR; GB 0064
Catalogue Section: Personal collections
Measurements: Overall: 46 cm
Date made: 1863-1908
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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