Kynynmound, Gilbert Elliot Murray, 1st Earl Of Minto, Diplomat and Politician, 1751-1814.

The papers, part of the Minto collection, were purchased by Sir James Caird in 1941 from the Earl of Minto. The collection comprises sixty-two volumes and covers the official correspondence of Lord Minto when he was Commissioner at Toulon and Viceroy of Corsica. In addition, there is an account of the attack and defence of Toulon, 1793, a journal for March 1794, a few loose papers and some correspondence between Elliot, Nelson and Lady Hamilton. Further naval papers of the First Earl form part of the Minto collection in the National Library of Scotland.

See item level records for further details.

Administrative / biographical background
Gilbert Elliot Kynynmound, formerly Gilbert Elliot, eldest son of Sir Gilbert Elliot, 3rd Baronet (q. v.), was called to the English Bar in 1774 and entered Parliament two years later as the Member for Morpeth, transferring to Roxburghshire in 1777. He gave independent support to the government during the War of American Independence, only going over to the Opposition in 1782. Having lost his seat in 1784, he was returned for Berwick in 1786. In 1790 he was returned for Helston, Cornwall, and in 1793 transferred his allegiance to Pitt's government. In this year he was appointed Civil Commissioner at Toulon and served as Viceroy of Corsica between 1794 and 1796. He attempted to make Corsica the centre of British power in the Mediterranean and it was through him that Nelson (q.v.) attacked Porto Ferraio. In September 1796 he was ordered to withdraw from Corsica to Naples, after which he returned to England in March 1798. In 1799 he was appointed Envoy Extraordinary to the Court of Vienna and was Governor-General of India, 1806 to 1813. He was created Baron Minto in 1797 and Earl of Minto in 1813. See Countess of Minto ed. , 'Life and letters Of Sir Gilbert Elliot, first Earl of Minto...' (London, 1874)

Record Details

Item reference: ELL/100-166; ELL
Catalogue Section: Personal collections
Measurements: Overall: 454 cm
Date made: 1793-1797
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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